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Most Effective Way to Exercise Belly For Great Abs!

Most Effective Way to Exercise Belly For Great Abs!

A healthy body is not just about a having a healthy digestive system and a disease-less body. It is equally about having a fit and toned body that would make others admire you for your high level of fitness. Abdominal muscles draw the immediate attention of any onlooker over one’s body. While a bulging stomach can make an individual look funny to unattractive, a washboard-like flat stomach can add a lot to a person’s personality. One must exercise belly not only for an attractive body, but also for health of other body parts as well. Since a person’s basic health and fitness can be determined by his posture, shape of the body, stamina and body’s metabolism, it is important to have well-toned abdominal muscles for a better posture as well as for cardio-vascular health.

Here we mention some effective ways that would exercise belly and abdominal muscles in order to obtain fabulous abs. These exercises are simple and easy to attempt and need no help of any exercising equipments either.

1) The plank exercise fabulously trains the abdominal muscles to give them great shape and tautness. Simultaneously they also tone up other muscles of arms and shoulders also. Plank exercises enjoy the status of being one of the most effective abdominal workouts that have a direct impact over the abdominal and the surrounding areas. This exercise is so effective that its starts rendering results in mere 8 to 10 days.

2) The bicycle-twist exercise is another way to exercise belly effectually. This exercise is specific for toning up of ‘oblique muscles’ that are located exactly underneath the love handles. The target of bicycle-twist exercise aims to strengthen them so as to give an attractive shape to that area. It can be done by laying on one’s back with legs bent and knees stretched out in air. Hands must be placed behind the head with both the elbows protruding out. Now, the shoulders are to be lifted up towards the ground. After this, the right knee is to be placed into left wrist then back to the original position. Similarly, apply these exercises over the other set of limbs as well.

3) Leg Lifts are meant not just for exercise belly but also for toning of lower and upper abdominal muscles. For attempting it, lie down over back and lift legs few inches above the floor. Make sure that the legs remain straight and erect. Maintain this position for up to five seconds and then raise them about 5 to 6 inches. Again retain this position up to five seconds then return back to original posture for up to five seconds. This exercise can be done in three sets in 15 repetitions each.

Along with these suggested ways to actually exercise belly and get rid of stubborn belly fat and loose love handles, there should also be the intelligent combination of right exercising, perfect diet plan and consistent toning of these muscles. Once these three aspects are carefully attempted and maintained religiously, they would dissolves the flab for these prone spots and make body as attractive and endearing as one has always wanted it to be.

Myths and Truths - Abs

They are some of the most commonly used muscles in your body. There are often misconceptions regarding the abs. Continue reading to learn the truth behind these misconceptions. 


Consistently working out the abs will burn your belly fat and give you those 6-pack abs in no time.


While performing a toning muscle workout on your abs will definitely help increase the size and strength of your core. You must combine these with a full-body workout routine. This is to really achieve the maximum results.  This includes both full-body weight training as well as cardiovascular workouts to really cut the fat.


Doing more crunches/situps/sidebends will help me get toned abs more quickly.


The truth is, you need to focus all your attention on doing your exercise repititions more effectively. You’re better off doing 12 reps of a specific exercise correctly, than doing 100 reps of the same exercise incorrectly.


If I workout my abs everyday, I will get toned abs more quickly.


You should NEVER workout any muscle group everyday.  Your muscles, including your abs, need time to rest and rebuild.  If you don’t offer these resting periods, they will never get stronger and more defined.  You should workout your abs no more than 2 or 3 times a week.

There are a ton of exercises out there for your abs. Each targeting a different section to give you that true 6-pack definition.



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